JMC Countdown to Submission, 1st of Dec 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Heya, Junior mangakas! Yes, I’m back again! (Gomen nasai if I've been away for too long for some!)

The clock is ticking and time isn't waiting for any of us! Its just about 4 weeks left before the Submission date! So, lets get this Submission jazz RIGHT, once and for all! URYYAAA~!!!!

What to Submit??

Your Submission Checklist

1) COMPLETED Submission Form & Creator's Details Form.

2) Your Manga (In loose pages (recommended) or book form (for some of you...)

3) Additional attachments ( Story synopsis, character profile, etc)

4) CD-R containing your manga. Accepted formats are .PDF / .PSD / .AI / .JPEG (hi-resolution) or .BMP

And here are the details...

The Forms

There are 2 forms; The Submission Form and Creator's Details Form. (they come together)

Please complete and SIGN at the bottom of the Creator's Details form.

IF you are submitting 2 completely different stories, you have to complete and submit 2 separate Submission forms to accompany each manga. Only one Creator's Details form is required.

WARNING: Your entry will be considered SPOILT and disqualified if your forms are incomplete in terms of the required information.

Your Manga

You are required to PRINT out your manga pages, if you have created it digitally. This is compulsary.

Please do not expect us to print out your manga for you. There is no escape from this digital mangakas, you have to suck it up and ganbatte on this!

Unfortunately, we are not in favour of uploads or email either.

The accepted manga page size is no bigger than A4. Anything smaller than A4 is accepted.
You can present your manga in the form of loose pages that are numbered, or in book form. (Just don't COMB BIND IT!!!!)

We highly recommend LOOSE PAGES more so than BOOKS, but if you have already done it in book form, please submit it anyway. If time is running out, don't reprint or remove the binding and hurt yourself. We are fine with the book. We can cope with that!

You are allowed to draw on both sides (front and back) of the paper. We trust that you are wise enough not to let inks soak through and ruining the other half of your art...

Mangas can be in black and white only, in colour or BOTH.

You are allowed to submit the entire story or a chapter of your manga. Page number here can vary from 1 to 100 depending on how much you drew.


This applies for those who created their manga digitally using Photoshop, Illustrator or Manga Studio.

For those who drew by manual means, there is no need for you to submit a CD-R, although we do recommend you highly to scan it into digital format with the highest resolution setting possible! Output them at 150 - 300dpi.

These are the recommended file formats

.PSD (this is Photoshop's native file format)

.AI (this is Illustrator's native file format)

.PDF (hi-resolution setting please)

.JPEG (hi-resolution setting please)


Choose one or two of the formats above and not all of them! Thanks MH for raising this question, whew!(NEW)

If you are confused as in to which one, we recommend .PSD / .JPEG / .AI depending on which software you worked with.

Additional Attachments

These includes any separate illustration art, synopsis, character model sheets, bookmarks, photos, teabags, complimentary packet of kuachies and any other attachments that supports your manga.

Are they worth the effort? Well, we fans always love a good omake here and there don't we? (I was just kidding about the kuachies by the way. )

Mailing Tips!!!

Here are some tips to get you by.

It takes about 2 - 3 days or more to deliver something by mail, (referring to Pos Laju. But don't trust me on this one, I remember seeing an illustration made by veteren cartoonist Reggie Lee depicting a snail in place of the O, in the word Pos Laju. :P Go figure what that means!!!!)

Delivering by COURIER is often more costly but it gets your manga delivered on time and safely at our doorstep.

If you are concern that your manga will arrive later than the stipulated date, then DO write the DATE of when you send your envelope. This will give us an indication that you DID made an effort to submit it early!

If you dread having your envelope and manga getting CRUMPLED and RUINED and OH THE HORROR....ahem... then insert a HARD CARDBOARD inside to keep your pages firm, flat and pressed.

Last but not least, here is the ADDRESS to our place;


No.4-AD, Jalan SS25/35,

Taman Mayang, 47301

Petaling Jaya

Selangor Darul Ehsan
West Malaysia
For those who want to hand deliver to our place, if you have trouble finding our area, here's a tip.
Its the junction BEFORE the St. Ignatius's church. The one AFTER, can also take you to our company, but you have to keep an eye out for a tiny junction to the left and OHHH...just email/sms me and I will email a MAP to you!
So, all right guys...I know its EXAMS MONTH, GOOD LUCK and GANBATTE KUDASAI in your SPM examinations and I look forward to your mangas! I will be back!

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