Part 4 - Day 1 - The Manga Factory

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Note: You are reading Kengaku no Nikki - Part 4 - Day 1: The Manga Factory. Please scroll down to read the earlier parts.

Rei no Kengaku no Nikki is a mini report on Rei's short animation-study tour to Japan with the Singapore Poly Digital Media Group earlier in September 2008.
Click on the links to the left to access other sections of the Junior Manga Challenge!


The Manga Factory

One floor down and we arrive at the Manga Factory! A real course at college dedicated to teaching the art of manga, at Nippon Kogakuin Creator's College.


Shhh....mangaka-tachi in training at work! There were at least 40-50 mangaka students in this classroom, each working on their own original work. You can put half of the JMC participants in here! :P

They don't call this floor the Manga Factory for nothing!

Manga Factory

Unlike the Animation Factory on the previous floor, it is really really quiet in here! At the back on the shelves are published manga stories all created by the students used to promote the Manga Creators course offered here.


100% concentration! He didn't really mind me snapping photos of him...


Close up shot of a mangaka sketching.


Here's an interesting girl mangaka whose all dressed in a Gothic inspired costume. The guy in white behind is the manga sensei.


Manga page shot


Some Manga-art work


The cubicle.

Here's how the cubicle for the mangaka students look like. Just a single working desk and no workstation. Manga is done traditionally with manual tools in here. Erm...this cubicle is a little bit special. Looks like an Xbox 360 set up here! LOL

Its not very big and in one aisle, there are at least 7 of these little cubicles where the students sit and work on their manga.


Outside the classroom, there's a display cabinet containing a compilation of original manga work done by the students. These bibles are published by the college on behalf of the students and used mainly to promote the manga creator's course.

Unfortunately these books aren't for sale outside of the college and according to sensei, the printing cost have been taken into account when the students paid their college semester and enrollment fees. The college does have affliates with some major publishing companies in Japan and the good students are hired immediately out of graduation to work there.


And More Student-Made Manga!

Up next, the digital art and VFX department, so stay tune!

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