KYAAAA...5 more days!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Dreaming by Freetempo starring Nami Miyahara.

"And I fly...."

Hold your breath junior mangakas...5 more days to the BIG DAY!!!! >_<

OH my goodness...there's plenty to be done...all the disaster contingency plans better be in full proof! Flora's reported that her registered and reserved list is BURSTING! We are running out of space junior mangakas...(or so I was warned) so RESERVE YOUR TICKETS FAST!!! HAYAKUU~!!!!

Yes, just a friendly reminder, but you REALLY need to let us know how many adults or children are coming to support you and seriously, its also a good idea to bring them along! Especially for the (ahem) will know what I mean on Saturday. Like...bring them. Bring them along!!! You will need them!

How's minna no Valentine's Day?

Just to share...personally, I celebrate V-Day the Japanese way (being a self proclaimed Wapanese myself hehe) so, there I was at Megamall scouring around for some giri choccons that I can get for my male platonic buddies. Well...I supposedly DID had a "sort" of date with one of my designers.

Actually....its more along the lines of a business meeting like...(WAKATTA-LAH...URUSAI-NAAAA you sniggering babboons...) but anyway, since he is MALE...I thought I'd get him a giri choccon just for the sake of being nice and well...its BA-REN-TINE DAY deshou?

But unfortunately, as fate would have had it, he has a big surprise for me too. He brought along a stand-a-lone TIANG with him.(Tiang = Pole or in other words, a lamp post) and since that came in so unexpectedly, I was unprepared to get the tiang a giri choccon as well the end...I ended up having those giri choccons for my lunch. XD

Being a half-believer in "the way things JUST happen to happen", I just thought..."Oh well...I guess the almighty kami-sama believes that you don't deserve a giri choccon from me just yet."

As usual, my cellphone was bombarded with Valentine text messages. The amusing thing was...they seem to come mainly from the anti-valentine ones, namely from single friends. The paired up ones conveniently forgotten...lost in their world of twosome but oh well.

And the weirdest thing was...the only sweet valentine or at least a decent one that doesn't echo commercial cynism was from my music sensei. XD

"Ok. (sigh) You get a giri choccon from me." I texted back. =_= I bet he thought I must be making up some weird Rei ritual being accustomed to my random eccentricity. At least he's sweet enough to remember me.

. . . never mind. T_T~iyaaaaa...

Signing out!


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